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Memory Map V2

A Modernized, Scalable Foundation for Spatial Memory Mapping

The Idea

Building on the manual version, this second iteration introduced a modern tech stack to improve scalability, maintainability, and user experience. Employing React, Leaflet, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript, it aimed to streamline code organization, enhance aesthetics, and prepare a robust foundation for future AI integration and spatial features.

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A component-based React architecture ensured cleaner code and easier scalability. Leaflet powered the map, complemented by features like marker clustering, draggable markers, and chronological connections. A dark-themed UI improved visual appeal. While still lacking AI-driven capabilities, this version focused on refining the user journey and ensuring technical resilience.


The modernization efforts paid off with a more polished, user-friendly interface and a maintainable codebase. Although automated descriptions and AR overlays remained absent, the groundwork was now solid. This improved infrastructure promised an easier path to incorporating AI-driven features and immersive spatial contexts in future releases.

What Worked

  • Maintainable, scalable architecture primed for future enhancements
  • Improved usability through clustering and marker interactivity
  • Enhanced aesthetics and responsiveness boosted user satisfaction

What Did Not Work

  • Continued dependence on manual data entry
  • Increased setup complexity compared to simpler prototypes


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